Timeplus | Streaming Analytics
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Timeplus 的流式分析引擎现已开源!阅读我们的新闻稿

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通过Timeplus流式SQL与ClickHouse OLAP历史数据分析的技术融合,在单一进程中进行实时数据分析。

Stuck with for-loop querying?
We've got your back.

Trusted by teams building and scaling analytics applications:

Why Timeplus?

We help data teams process streaming and historical data quickly and intuitively, in organizations of all sizes and industries.

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Lightweight, single binary, without dependencies

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End-to-end analytic streaming and historical functionalities

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1/10 the cost of similar open source frameworks

Tackle use cases where real-time analytics make all the difference.


Turn real-time market and transaction data into real-time insights. Leverage append-only streams and key-value streams to monitor financial data.

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AI and Machine Learning

Implement real-time feature pipelines using Timeplus.

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Metrics and Observability

One platform for all infrastructure logs, metrics, and traces, the three pillars supporting observability.

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Reduction in hardware resources


"We are delighted to have integrated Timeplus into our data infrastructure at Aurora, replacing our previous Flink clusters while utilizing just a fraction of the hardware resources, a reduction of nearly 80%.

With Timeplus, we have significantly improved the analytical capabilities of AuroraPrime, reducing the turnaround time for user-facing reports and dashboards.

Eric Guo
DevOps Director, Aurora

Integrate with

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for Free.

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Looking for open source?

Timeplus Proton is the open-source core engine of Timeplus, with powerful streaming SQL functionalities enabling developers to solve streaming data processing challenges.

Try it yourself:
Visit the Timeplus Proton GitHub repository for our installation guide. 

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