Timeplus | Streaming Analytics
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Timeplus Proton

A fast and lightweight streaming SQL engine, powered by ClickHouse.

Why Timeplus Proton?

At 10% the cost of similar open-source frameworks, Timeplus Proton is the best alternative for ksqlDB or Apache Flink.

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Written in C++, with optimized performance through SIMD

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A single binary (<500mb) with no JVM or other dependencies 

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Built on ClickHouse

Extends the historical storage of ClickHouse with stream processing

Purpose-Designed for Analytics

Timeplus Proton is our open-source core engine. Its powerful streaming SQL functionalities, enabling developers to solve streaming data processing challenges from Apache Kafka, Redpanda, and more sources, and send aggregated data to downstream systems.

Streaming ETL

Tumble, hop, session windows


Materialized Views

CDC and data revision processing

...and more.

An Alternative to Apache Flink and ksqlDB


reduction in hardware resources.

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"We are delighted to have integrated Timeplus into our data infrastructure at Aurora, replacing our previous Flink clusters while utilizing just a fraction of the hardware resources, a reduction of nearly 80%.

Eric Guo
DevOps Director, Aurora

More efficient, more flexible

See our detailed comparative analysis of Timeplus Proton vs. ksqlDB.

Start streaming today.

Try Timeplus Proton as a single binary download or via Docker.

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